Penguin II Assess Osseointegration

With an updated design and added features, Penguin II will meet dentists demands in their continued search for an uncomplicated system to assess osseointegration, manage risk patients and reduce treatment time.


The technique behind and the ISQ scale

The technique behind the Penguin Instruments is called Resonance Frequence Analysis (RFA) and the measurement unit is named Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ).

The peg is excited by magnetic pulses and vibrates due to the stiffness in the contact area between the bone and the implant surface.

Once attached to an implant, magnetic pulses cause the MulTipeg™ to vibrate. The instrument measures the frequency of the vibration and translates it to an ISQ scale value between 1 and 99. The higher the ISQ value, the better the stability. RFA measures implant stability as a function of interface stiffness, which correlates with implant displacement, i.e. micro-mobility.

The local bone density determines the ISQ value, and is influenced by factors such as the implant placement technique, implant design and healing time. Implants with low and/or dropping ISQ values seem to pose an increased risk for failure compared with implants with high and/or increasing values.

The Penguin II kit include:

  • Penguin II Instrument
  • Charging station & adapter
  • TestPeg
  • MulTipeg Driver
  • USB stick with instruction manual

Accessories include

  • Battery lid
  • Battery replacement kit